How do you compare energy suppliers? 

Plenty of energy comparators that you can consult online. But beware, they all aim at private individuals. For companies it remains a jungle and it is very difficult to gain insight into the range of rates. Yet it is possible, as long as you can rely on the right partner. We dive a little deeper into this topic. 

Ignore the energy comparators 

If you want to save as a private individual, we can certainly recommend those online energy comparators. What applies to companies can also be applied to private individuals: comparing and switching pays off. As a company, however, these tools do not offer a solution and you often still have to fall back on the sales pitches of the energy suppliers themselves. 

If you know that annual comparisons and possibly switching pays off, you know that you cannot expect a complete explanation from these subjective parties. But how do you detect opportunities for savings? Well, because a specialized and independent partner points this out and guides you through the tangle of energy tariffs. 

Comparing energy rates is a job 

At Netcom Solutions, we do nothing but follow the energy market day in, day out. We have daily contact with energy suppliers and closely follow new developments. Because of this privileged position, we are also the first to receive the best rates, we are aware of future promotions and we can switch quickly and smoothly. Obviously, as an entrepreneur, you don't have time for that and you don't have to. 

Undoubtedly, our specialists can also mean something for your company and reduce costs. Especially if you have not looked at your energy costs for several years, huge savings are possible. Outsource this quietly, you will earn it back twice over. 

Map your costs!

Our specialists work with you to map out your costs and energy consumption. How much do you use, when and what do you pay for it are all important factors. Once we have the overall picture, our specialists can search for the best possible rates on the market. This in complete independence, but of course counting on their excellent knowledge of the sector. In this way you do not spend your time comparing and negotiating, but you do reap the benefits. Savings of thousands of euros are possible without having to put energy into it yourself. 

Do you want to tackle your energy bill? Do you want a complete overview and the cheapest rates? 

Then contact a Netcom Solutions specialist today and get the bull by the horns. Comparing energy suppliers does not have to be problematic for companies either;